Tuesday, 24 July 2007

The truth about water

Today, I was watching a rerun of BBC2's The Truth About Food. In today's episode actress Liza Tarbuck set out to discover which foods could help people not only look younger but feel healthier for longer.

Whilst the programme overall was informative and highlighted the benefits of vegetables such as tomatoes for skin protection, spinach for eyesight and berries for memory I was slightly disappointed at their segment on water and skin.

Water is an essential part of the diet. It is necessary for transporting materials to cells and waste products out of the body, enabling the formation of cells and tissues as well as regulating body temperature, to name just a few.

Whilst water is available in the food we eat it is recommended that we increase our intake of drinking water to at least one litre if not two so that our bodies can both work effectively and flush out any toxins.

(c) Vegetrition Ltd.
Fine tuning for a healthier lifestyle

Monday, 2 July 2007

First newsletter coming soon

Our first newsletter is in production and will be released soon.

Existing clients will receive it by email free of charge.

If you'd like to receive a complimentary copy, please contact us.
Vegetrition Ltd.
Fine tuning for a healthier lifestyle

Friday, 15 June 2007

An apple a day

Welcome to the Vegetrition Blog.

I will be posting free information and advice here based on some of the articles I have written on Vegetarian Nutrition.

Stay tuned.
Vegetrition Ltd.
Fine tuning for a healthier lifestyle